LORDI – Lordiversity: The Box Set

Sometimes when bands want to stretch out a bit and go a little crazy, they decide to put out a double album. Or a triple album. Or release two albums at the same time. Then we have Finish monster-rockers Lordi. They went completely off the rails and decided to release ten records at the same time. Their record-company probably wondered if they had gone completely mental and said no. Of course. Seven albums at the same time, however, was fine. That said, all albums will be released separately as well.

The idea behind this move came in the backwater of their last album Killection: A Fictional Compilation Album (2020), an album where the band schizophrenically mixed genres with each song to make it sound like, well a compilation album by different bands. So why not go all in and make a whole album with each genres on each album and release them all in one box, they thought. A killer idea thought everyone except for the record company as it financially is a complete nightmare to try to pull off a stunt like that especially in an age when few people buy records. I also wonder how on Earth someone can write so many songs in one batch without tampering with the quality. I mean it was only a year since Killection came out…

So how did it turn out then? Well, very well for most parts. While all the records aren’t high-scores I find it quite impressive that there’s so few fillers on here and quite frankly, no crap songs at all – I mean, they did write and recorded seven very different albums at the same time. In one year. Would I buy the whole box-set then? Well, probably not and I’m sure only the hardcores will. Since the albums are released separately – it would be financial suicide not to – most of the fans can – and probably will – choose the ones closest to their personal taste. That being said, I do think they pulled off this mastodon project and it’s been a fun ride going through all the records. No matter what you think of Lordi’s music it stands very clear that there is so much more to this lot than monster costumes and a Eurovision Song Contest win. These guys know what they’re doing and they’re damn good at it too.

The reviews:

Superflytrap & Abracadaver
Abusement Park & Skelectric Dinosaur
Spooky Sextravaganza Spectacular & The Masterbeast From The Moon

More Lordi reviews:

To Beast Or Not To Beast
Scare Force One